Friday, March 30, 2012


Spring is here!  Grammy came up to visit during the Cherry Blossom Festival and Bill escaped the Pentagon one afternoon for a run to meet her, Shannon & the kids.  It was wonderful outside and the Nat'l Mall was crowded w/visitors.  The kids had lots of fun w/Grammy while Bill & Shannon ventured up to Philly for a Log Home Convention and to visit w/Shannon's family.  It was a great weekend, and so good to see Aunt Linda and Uncle Ant'ny.  Our prayers continue to be w/him and Linda as he battles cancer.  We look forward to bringing little Maples #3 in only 6 short weeks, and also to the many family/friends coming to visit DC this summer!  If you haven't made plans to visit us, come on up!

Everyone is looking AND smiling....amazing!!  ;)

Fun paddle boats w/the Washington Memorial

A profile shot of Jefferson.

Maddie crawled into Hunter's bed during naptime so we couldn't resist this one!