Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hunter & Maddie

The little miss is now 18 months old! She'll be 19 months on the 19th. I can't believe how quickly time has flown by. Her vocabulary is through the roof, and she is now practicing yelling every word she's learned. Some of that is likely to get our attention now that Hunter is here, and some is just practicing her newly learned skill. She loves to go to the park and climb all over structures there. Daddy & the grandparents took her to her first gymnastics class yesterday. She was a bit hesitant to participate, but we think she'll open up to it the more she goes. She loves going outside every chance she gets, whether it's to play w/the chalk, throw Charlie's ball, go for a walk or just to run around. She loves to be around Hunter. She tries to crawl into his chair with him & put his pacifier in when it falls out. He's not such a fan, though :)

Hunter is adjusting to his new life. He turned three weeks old yesterday. He's eating every 3-4 hours, and is only getting up once or twice during the night. Although, he sometimes has a difficult time falling back asleep. While I don't think he's a colicky baby, he definitely struggles w/reflux. He spits up about one meal a day. At 2 1/2 weeks, he only gained back his birthweight plus 5 oz. We have to take him back tomorrow for a weight check, and if things haven't improved, then we'll get further advice from the doc. We're not as concerned about the weight as we are seeing him suffer w/the acid reflux.

Wally & Carolyn have been such a huge help to us during this transition time. They plan on leaving sometime this week, and they will be sorely missed. Ridgecrest doesn't exactly have the amenities that Yuma provided! All in all, the Maples are doing very well & would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, and well-wishes for our newest family member!

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