Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hunter's b'day and Gparents arrive!

Just a few pics to commemorate Hunter's 1yr b'day and some silly pictures of both kids. Hunter is walking everywhere now and is quite content to play and roam around on his own. We still keep a watchful eye as he's particularly attracted to our plants, computer, TV remotes, etc! His favorite thing to do is turn off the cable TV! Argh! Maddie continues to amaze us w/her vocabulary and has learned to ride her Dora tricycle. Grammy & Pop Pop arrived to watch over the kids while we go trapzing over to Hawaii for a few days! Woohoo! We'll post some pics from the trip when we return.

Tongue out=focused!!

Enjoying the new bath toy b'day presents!

Still in the 'warmup' period when picking up Grammy & Pop Pop.

Only 16 more yrs!!

Pop Pop did the dishes....and bubbled Maddie's nose!

1 comment:

The Hull Munchkins said...

Happy Birthday Hunter! You are looking so grown up these days.

Miss you all!