Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Maddie!

So our 'little' girl just turned 4 years old!  Grammy & Pop Pop were able to come up for the week, and everyone had great fun.  Bill had to fly to AZ for a couple days, and ran a Marine Corps trail race through Prince William Forest, so having them around to help w/the kids and the house was wonderful.    Shannon may have had a b'day too, but unfortunately we didn't capture any photos of that.  Her big gift was tickets to see Les Miserables at the Kennedy Center, and that's where we're headed today!  Woohoo!  Grandma/Grandpa were up just a couple weeks before, and so we were prompted to keep unpacking and getting the house in order.  Thanks to both g'parents, as they both helped so much around here!  Enjoy the pics...

Surprise!  Her new Dora tent.

Maddie loves her new Dora tent from G'ma/G'pa!

Can you say 'all boy'?

Grammy & Pop came for a week....Charlie wanted in the picture too!

Maddie in her new tutu on her big girl bed!


Cathy said...

Happy Birthday, Maddie! Can't believe you're already 4. Your "Dora" tent (what your Daddy called it) looks suspiciously like a Princess tent to me - oh well, sure cute anyway.

Hope all are doing well. All fine here. Sam just turned 60!! I told him he was starting his 70th decade! That went over really big! I did a small dinner party for him. It was fun - everyone told their memories of the first time they met him.

Love and miss you all.

The Hull Munchkins said...

Love the tutu! What a beautiful princess. Cool big girl bed too.