Sunday, February 19, 2012

The loss of a dear uncle

Monday marked the end of an earthly journey for an incredible man, my Uncle Sammy.  While we mourn the fact that we won't have any more time w/him on this earth, we're comforted by the fact that we know he has joined our Father in heaven and is in pain no more.  While we never look forward to such an event, we enjoyed our time w/family as much as we could in light of the events.  A few pictures from the service and family gathering afterwards.  We very much appreciate your thoughts and prayers for Sam's family as they grieve during this time.

Uncle of the finest men I've ever known.

The nephews assembled to bear Sam's casket to its final resting place.

Sweet Maddie placing a rose.

The sistas.

Mom & Yan reflect on the many floral arrangements.

Most of the Maples' clan.

A tired little boy and special time for Grammy.  Sammy loved to rock in this chair by the fire.

Sammy lived a beautiful life and he will be missed.

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