Sunday, February 15, 2009

President's Day Weekend

Update: Thanks to all those who prayed for Patty recently. She is doing much better and her baby is a healthy 19weeks! For those interested, Patrick & Patty's Blog is linked on the left-hand column of ours, so feel free to visit.

Shannon is doing well, 36 weeks tomorrow! She is feeling the weight of the baby w/every movement, and he is an active one! There's no nausea to speak of so we're thankful for that. We're still working on the names, so nothing yet. His room is coming along quite well though, as curtains are hung and the new dresser/hutch is in place. Now we just need a crib!! Maddie knows where to find "momma's baby", but we're not convinced that she understands what's going on. It will no doubt alter her world in just a matter of weeks. Bill's parents depart TN for an extended visit out here within the next week or so, so we're excited to see them and to have a couple helping hands around the house. Maddie is very excited to see them too!

Below are just more random pictures of late. Maddie's new favorite thing is to try on mom and dad's shoes and walk around the house, so we had to capture that on camera.

Wearing Daddy's flight jacket....just a bit too large!

Wearing daddy's Nikes in the kitchen.
Trying to help get undressed resulted in a new headband.


Anonymous said...

Love the new outfits! Nancy was always big on wearing everybody else's shoes when she was little! Isn't Maddie fun??? Looking forward to hearing about little brother!


The Hull Munchkins said...

Maddie, you are such a cutie! I love your hair!

Hey guys, thanks for praying for us and our little bean. We are so thankful things are stable now and we have more answers for the problems.

Thinking about you Shannon during these last few weeks!! You must be excited and tired. Praying for an easy, smooth labor and delivery of your little guy!