Sunday, March 8, 2009

Grammy & Pop Pop have arrived!

Bill's parents arrived yesterday in anticipation of the new arrival. They're staying in a local RV park at the fairgrounds in their new slide-in camper. Maddie warmed up to them very quickly and had great fun yesterday and today. Below are some pictures of that fun, dinner, etc.

Grammy tickling feet!
Sure do like corn on the cob!

Fun playing in Daddy's truck before a hike.

Maddie's new favorite quilt...quilted by Grammy!


The Hull Munchkins said...

Looks like fun! Praying for you as you wait for baby brother's arrival!

Unknown said...

You've got 2 good looking kids. BTW.. i love the pic of Maddie eating corn on the cob. Gavin is crazy about corn on the cob.